Tuesday, 28 August 2018

No person can feel always joy ...

Two poems of darkness in a process that is helping me to understand Norman better.


  1. Sending you a deep, long hug. And a prayer prayed by Beethoven, and often, by me: "O lead my spirit, o raise it from these heavy depths, transported by thy Art that fearlessly and joyfully soars up to thee. Fo thou, thou knowest all things, thou alone can inspire."

    1. Dearest Eva - I was just catching a rare moment checking the stats for this blogsite - and saw your precious comment that, somehow, had slipped me by! Now it is a gem I've absorbed. The line "transported by thy Art that fearlessly and joyfully soars up to thee" moves me as if it were literally. And yes, so very yes: "thou alone can inspire". Thank you.
