Monday, 12 November 2018

Perfectly Present - title poem from Section 5 of Greater Matter

The tortoise of me is making slow, but steady progress. Here's the title poem from the fifth section of Greater Matter.

Perfectly Present

I spent time with fellow-widow Gwyneth
our regular weekly keeping tabs
on our days, work,
thoughts, experiences –

she too’d been mugged
by the mugginess dragging down the sky;
that it wasn’t only me who was dof  was reassuring.

Over tea and cake and talk
there was a cooling,
we discussed the blessing of thoughts that appear as beings,
intentions that catch you in motion
before you’ve thought –

our obedience to intuition
makes us a port

I came home to the sunflung polka dots of white roses dancing
in the hedge beside the garage door;

and writing this now

not in the obligatory present tense
(which many modern writers use for no better reason than to hog an effect)
but in the elegiac mood
of reverence that holds in faith
that which we can’t
grasp –

I am certain
that what is past
is perfectly present.

- Silke Heiss

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